Monday, March 18, 2013

Grippy Socks TUTORIAL

Hello there! Today I decided to be bold and actually do one of the many projects that I have pinned on Pinterest! I got this idea from here. I thought it was brilliant! And, as far as I've seen, it's cheaper and cuter to make your own grippy socks than to buy them! Love it! So here we go:

 You will need two easy-to-get and rather inexpensive items. Socks (weird, I know, needing socks to make...grippy socks...) and Puffy Paint! Puffy Paint is the Tulip Brand, but there are other brands of the same stuff. It's just the 3-D fabric paint people use to write on T-shirts and things.

Next, lay out your socks so that the soles are facing up and are flat. Honestly, this was the part I struggled with most! It was harder than you expect! Then you just paint something on the bottom! The woman whose project inspired me was WAY more creative with her pictures. I didn't worry too much, though. It's just gonna be on the floor. I know, I'm just a lame mom. ;) One thing I did figure out after I finished this project and got them onto little feet is that you'll want to get your paint all the way back to the heels. Those can slip, too, apparently. You have to let these dry overnight (or several hours - I just thought overnight was best for keeping little fingers out of wet paint). Ta-Da!