straight pins
safety pins
*needle threader
thread (we got white to match his shirts, brown, gray, and black to match suit and slacks)
buttons (we got white to match his shirts, and some to match his suit coat buttons)
*measuring tape
fabric marking pen
toothpick (for sewing the button)
After we got home, we tried to put everything in the little bag the kit came in, and it was just a mess. I pulled on the zipper and IT FELL OFF! Somebody obviously took pride in their work...
So I took that zipper and made a new bag! Here it is:
I measured the zipper, and it was 9" long. I had some plain black cotton, and my brother was delighted with the contrast (the zipper was bright green). I got started!
Cut four pieces of fabric, 9 1/2"x6 1/2". I did four instead of just two because the cotton was very thin, so I lined it. Take two of the pieces of fabric and line them up along one side of the zipper, with the zipper in the middle, like this:
I'm lazy and don't bother changing my regular sewing foot for the zipper foot. Honestly, I've never bothered to learn how to use the zipper foot anyway! I just use the straight stitch that's shifted to the left, on my machine it's stitch #4:
I sew the zipper so that the foot is right next to the teeth (you can feel it through the fabric). About halfway down the zipper you'll want to zip it so that the pull isn't in the way of sewing. Just stop the machine with the needle down and carefully pull it past the needle and out of the way.
Flip the two pieces of fabric back, and do the same with the other two on the other side of the zipper.
It should look like this after your second seam on the zipper. I grabbed some bright green thread and did a top stitch next to the zipper. You can do whatever color of thread you want.
This next part will seem difficult, but you'll be just fine. Open up the fabric so that the zipper is in the middle, like this:
Matching up the corners, pin all sides together. The zipper will try to cause problems. Just fold the zipper so that the bulky part is on the top side of the zipper, like in the picture. OPEN THE ZIPPER BEFORE YOU SEW. Sew around the entire thing (I did a 1/2" seam allowance), starting on the long side opposite the top of the zipper (in the picture, the one behind my hand to the left). Leave a hole on that edge so you can turn it. Be careful when going over the zipper. I used the manual control to go over the zipper. I've broken too many needles this way!
Clip the corners, and pull it right side out.
Hand stitch the opening closed. I love this tutorial over at Make It and Love It. She gives an excellent tutorial on hand stitching. The part you just hand stitched should be the lining, so you can push it into the other half, through the zipper opening.
Now fill it up with your sewing stuff, and you're done! It's simple, and compact for the missionary you're sending off.
Wish them luck from me!
Thank you! I'm sending my son on a mission (Roseville California!) next week, and found your sewing kit on Pinterest. It was very helpful!